Nowadays you can find various treatment options for Mesothelioma and other forms of cancer. In this article we will discuss some new forms of treatment. They are many patients who got better results with the help of new chemotherapeutic agents introduced.
Have you heard about Photodynamic Therapy? This is new form of treatment in which photosensitive drugs are injected intravenously. This drug can help in killing diseased cells in the body.
Another method which is being used worldwide is known as immunotherapy. In some countries immunotherapy is known as biological therapy. In this method of treatment immune system of the patient`s body is stimulated to treat the cancer. Immunotherapy modulates the immune system of the patient body. Natural immune system of the human body is very effective in fighting with cancer. The medications which are being used in this form of treatment are known as Biological Response Modifiers. Biological response modifiers are natural component of body’s immune system but nowadays many companies are manufacturing synthetic Biological Response Modifiers.
The third type of therapy which is used as an additional therapy with other forms of treatment is known as Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy. This method can control the mesothelioma locally. The radiation is administered in the region of tumor.
One of the latest forms of therapy is known as Gene therapy. Gene therapy can be effective in many incurable diseases. In this therapy the disease is treated at the DNA level. There are two main types of gene therapy. The first one is called replacement gene therapy and the second one is called Knockout gene therapy. In replacement gene therapy the gene provoking the disease is replaced by a new gene. In knockout gene therapy the gene responsible for provoking the disease is completely removed from the DNA.
All the above stated method of treatments is used in combination. Combination therapy is effective if used in a proper way.
Do you have enough information about the types of mesothelioma? There are three main forms of this cancer. The first one is pleural form which is most common form of disease. The cause of this disease is chronic inhalation of asbestos particles. Asbestos particles aggregated in lungs can provoke cancer. The cancer of the lungs can invade other systems of the human body. Most common malignization sites in the body are gastrointestinal tract and the heart. The cancer speeded to the gastrointestinal tract is known as peritonial mesothelioma. On the other hand the asbestos particles invading heart can provoke pericardial mesothelioma.

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