The signs and symptoms of kidney cancers do not different with the other cancers,but this some early kidney cancer symptoms such as fever, weight loss, and night sweats (drenching sweats that require changing of clothes or bedsheets). Other symptoms include hypertension, increased calcium in the blood, and liver problems. These more unique symptoms are thought to be caused by chemical signals released by the tumor cells into the bloodstream and the body's reaction to them.
Kidney cancer presents as signs and symptoms of either the local tumor in the kidney or as signs and symptoms resulting from spread of disease to other locations in the body (metastatic disease). Symptoms resulting from local tumor extension include hematuria (blood in the urine), abdominal pain, and a flank mass. Hematuria is the most common symptom and present as either gross hematuria, where the blood is visible in the urine, or as microscopic hematuria, where the blood is only detected by laboratory testing. Therefore, any presence of blood in the urine that is detected in a urine sample should be investigated. In medical textbooks, patients present with the "classic triad" of all three symptoms, though only about 10% of patients actually have all three symptoms at diagnosis.

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