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Environmental Cancer-A Political Disease?
As a scientist, I am perturbed by a growing trend of non-scientists trying to interpret what the scientific community says and means by what it says. This book is in a growing list of politically slanted and completely unfounded bull$%&* that is plaguing the shelves of Barnes and Noble and other bookstores. These fine nonscientists want us to believe that the environmental community is using scare tactics to achieve political ends. My question for the conservative right wing who floats this thinly veiled propaganda is this. To what end? There is no money to be made as environmentalists. All environmentalists want is clean air and clean water for everyone. To bash them for trying to alleviate public suffering at the hands of cancer and other diseases which have become the top killers in the developed world for your own political means, well, I hope you like hell. As for the quality of the authors, Rothman and co, do us a favor. If you don't have any idea what you're writing about, don't write. Ever.