Lung cancer is one of the most feared of all the diseases. This form of cancer has been on the increase in recent decades. We must therefore understand how are by cancer. The onset of cancer starts when the normal process of cell division undergoes a change or is disrupted. develop due to presence of normal cells in abundance. This condition occurs mainly because of exposure to a cancer causing material and silica dust. Some of the jobs in which people have been to directly or indirectly are those that involve factory work, demolition, insulation, ship building carpentry installation of brake linings in vehicles and many others. Those who are exposed to asbestos are likely to be affected many times more by lung cancer than those who are exposed to another carcinogen such as smoke. It is the lodging of inhaled asbestos in the lungs that cause damage to healthy cells leading to lung cancer called Mesothelioma.
Silica and asbestos if inhaled for longtime turn the delicate porous lungs into tough fibrous masses. Air cannot get through the fibrous lungs and the person faces suffocation.
Tumors can either be benign or malignant. Benign tumors are not harmful and can easily be removed from the body. They normally do not reoccur. It is the malignant tumors, which are dangerous, and life threatening. Lung cells become cancerous due to malignant lung tumors. They spread very quickly by breaking from the original tumor (The process is known as metastasis) to healthy tissues in the body including the blood stream or lymphatic systems causing Mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma tends to grow and spread in unusual ways as compared to other tumors, it forms a hard casing around the lungs or abdominal cavity before spreading to other distant organs late in the course of the disease usually people with lung cancer complain of increased cough, fever and sometimes chest pain. Because the obstruction prevents the effective clearing of secretion from the increased lung the system persist even if antibiotics bring the infection itself under control. At the early stage it is curable removing the tumer surgically. However the tumer is detected later when it is too late.
Smoking and exposure to asbestos is a deadly combination for getting lung cancer. Indeed the risk of developing lung cancer increase many times for asbestos workers who also smoke in comparison with the risk in the non-smoking general population. Both non-smokers and smokers must therefore avoid work where there is risk from airborne asbestos. When asesbstoes fibers are in the air, people may inhale them because asbestos fibers are small and light and they can stay in the air for long time and are not easily detected. Workers families may be effected by the release of asbestos molecules from clothes that have been in contact with workers. Though smoking alone is not the cause of Mesothelioma or Asbestosis but smoke becomes a catalyst in breaking down the lung’s resistance leading to cancer. Lung caner is largely preventable and the best protection is never smoking. Those who got affected by Mesothelioma were known to be heavy smokers. Smoke can also be the cause of emphysema. It is mostly the men who are affected by Mesothelioma because they are the ones who work in asbestos mines or asbestos related jobs. Asbestos related diseases remain dormant for as long as 20 years or so, and by the time the disease is diagnosed the affected person had been continuously exposed to the dangers of carcinogens associated with smoking without being aware of it and his chances for a prolonged life even after diagnosis diminishes with the passage of time.

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