Every year many people attack by kidney cancers.researcher said that approximately 31,000 Americans per year and cancers of the renal pelvis will occur in approximately 3,000 Americans per year.In many cases kidney cancers most attack man than women between age 50 and 70 years.the most cases of kidney cancer attack the smokers,A number of risk factors are associated with an increased probability of renal cell cancer,for a smoker you have to aware about Kidney cancer because the smoker twice the risk to have kidney cancer than the people who don't smoke.so have to quit or decrease to smoke because smoking make many causes not only kidney cancer.The risk for kidney cancer also increases fourfold in persons with a first-degree relative who had kidney cancer. Other, less-proven risk factors include obesity (especially in women), analgesic abuse, high blood pressure, and several uncommon hereditary diseases, including von Hippel-Lindau disease and polycystic kidney disease.

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