In newspaper headlines across America today, October 6th 2008, the Associated Press (AP) ran stories that say thousands made strides over the weekend to support a breast cancer fight. Nice articles and admirable but I find it totally futile and unproductive. Raising $36 million this year and other amounts since 1993 for the ‘fight against cancer’ is like bailing out Wall Street with $700 billion of taxpayer’s money! How we fall for this stuff amazes me! ( I did too!) That is until I studied cancer and money a bit!
The Answer to Breast Cancer will not be found in raising more money for more research for very expensive drugs and more expensive detection equipment, because “THE CURE” is already known. In fact, it’s been know for hundreds of years. The Answer to Cancer is in the education and training on what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Why not, ‘make peace with cancer.’ See cancer as the friend that it is. Why not just admit it and get on with reality. In order to be cancer free, or any ailment or disease for that matter, we have to change the food we eat! Not only the visible, physical food for our body but also the invisible food for our mind and spirit! What do I mean by that?
When we eat, whatever we eat, we are not only taking in the physical nutrients or nutrition of the food like minerals, vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates we are also taking in the energy of the food:
· The violence or the love that created it.
· The mechanical factory robotic energy of processed food or the human touch ‘love’ energy!
What sounds better to eat? Some food item made by an act of violence, lets say slaughtering a cow or chicken or pig, (who by the way do NOT want to die), or by some human being that cooks a great loving meal for us that is wholesome and plant-based? Which would you choose? Okay…okay…hey it took me years to figure it out and I hope you do too! For scientific-based evidence read, by T. Colin Campbell.
As for the answer to the bailout, that too, is already known! Most know that the bailout is a temporary solution that may not even work. (By the way the bailout money is the same as with the expensive cancer treatments: radiation. Nobody knows if they will really work!) I know, in the long run, they do not! Health has to come from the inside….not the outside!
So what is the cure for the economy? In order to have a healthy economy we need healthy individuals, people that are not afraid of cancer or getting sick. We have to work to not only change the way we make money but also the way we think about creating wealth! From my point of view, usury on our currency or economy is the main culprit. By that I mean any interest rate whether small or large is immoral, criminal and basically fraudulent! And inevitably brings about bankruptcy and inflation, that currently we are bailing out!
I advocate creating a NEW currency, interest and debt free, and we will never need a bailout! Congress MUST do that to save our country. Abolish the Federal Reserve and make our own money. We don’t need to ‘borrow’ it!
Finally, our love for money is like our love for animal food and junk food. We think it’s an easy way! It’s not! We have to chew our food and we have to work for our money. We can’t have animals make animal protein for us because will putrefy us. We can’t let others make money for us because they will plunder us. It makes us stupid too! Thinking we can consume today and pay tomorrow.
You may say, “let tomorrow take care of it”, but eventually in the case of cancer you will suffer needlessly and die prematurely and in the case of our country it will suffer and experience a huge depression!
Best solution for both problems: “Use your Brain, Eat Grain.”
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