Kidney sand was made of salts and reserves in the urine and pole form small "rocks". They are regularly pain during their stay in the kidneys, but they can torture because difficult to solve because they soft and move in narrow tubes (ureters) to quit the body during urination. The kidneys are the master chemists of the body. Normally, there are two of them, one on which area of the spine under the slash coasts. They are auburn red in colour and form of kidney beans. Each kidney is on most of your fists tight.
Kidney stones form when the components of urine - fluid and an assortment of minerals and acids - are not on foot. When this happens, your urine contains more crystalline substances such as calcium and uric acid, that the fluid can not mitigate. At the same time, your urine May be few substances that prevent crystals from sticking together and installing shingles. Kidney pebbles are also subject to explain in very acidic or alkaline urine warmly.
A kidney limestone develops when substances in the urine form crystals that deposit and grow together in the range. In most suitcases, these crystals are removed from the body by the flood of urine, but sometimes they lean to the wall of the kidney or settle in seats where the urine is unable to carry out the gap. These crystals May job and to develop a mineral, ranging in size from a grain of sand to a world of golf.
Food plays an important figure in the development of kidney gravel, especially in patients who are predisposed to order. A diet rich in sodium, fat, meat and honey, and low son, vegetable protein, carbohydrates and gross increases the risk of kidney disease in marble. In May series form kidney stones in patients who are built with precision to the element of by-products and animal proteins, which consume large quantities of meat.
Stones calcium: people who form this form of marble also have too much of a class of three chemicals in the urine, or not enough of another. In particular, they have too much calcium oxalate, urate or in urine, or too little citrate. Eating too salty May affect too much calcium to stay in the urine Some patients have kidney stones of the overproduction of the hormone control of calcium, parathyroid. The milk does not cause kidney stones.
Shingles uric acid: These rocks are bent on uric acid, a result of protein metabolism. You are more likely to exploit uric acid shingles if you eat a high-protein diet. Gout also led to uric acid stones. Some factors and genetic blood disorders producing tissue May also predispose you to prepare.
Struvite Stones: The nature of sandstone, also known as an infection of pebbles, develops when a brochure urinary tract infection (for example, bladder infection) has an impact on the total chemicals in urine. The bacteria present in the area of relief urinary chemicals that neutralize the acid in urine, which allows bacteria to grow more quickly and promotes the development of struvite stone.
Struvite sand are more familiar with women because they have extended urinary infections more often. The pebbles generally occur as unequal structures called "staghorns" and can grow to be quite high.
Cystine stones are bent by a build up of cystine, combining with lysine, arginine and ornithine. Cystine stones account for 1 percent of all stones and are found in people suffering from a hereditary disorder called cystinuria. Cystinuria occurs as a result of kidney tubules not reabsorbing certain amino acids adequately. Cystine stones arise in both men and women similarly.

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