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Sex can protect against cancer and fight colds and flu

SEX is good for you. In fact, it can cure cold, prevent heart attacks, stave off cancer increase longevity and stop mood swings.

Researchers at Nottingham University in the UK have already found that mean who keep up a regular sex life into their 50s have a much lower risk in developing prostate cancer.

There was one disclaimer: that too much sexual activity, more than 20 times a month, could increase the risk.

As for regular sexual activity, doctors agree that it is as good as exercise.

“In fitness terms, it's equivalent is going for a mile-long walk or climbing up and down two flights of stairs,” cardiologist Dr Graham Jackson from Guy's & St Thomas' Hospital and president of the Sexual Dysfunction Association.

A study at Queens University in Belfast found that having sex three times a week could actually halve the risk of heart attack or stroke, the Daily Mail reports.
As for protecting the skeleton and bone density in general, Dr Sarah Brewer said: “Testosterone levels have been found to increase during and after sex.

“This may provide some protection against male osteoporosis.”

And mood - as well as the immune system - is given a boost during and after sex.

“During lovemaking and orgasm, a cocktail of endorphins (the body's natural mood-lifting opiates), neurotransmitters and hormones are released,” says Professor Nadir Farid, consultant endocrinologist and founder of the London Endocrine Clinic.

“Oxytocin, in particular, is a hormone released during and after sex that has been shown to make people more generous towards their partners and can also help induce calm and sleep.”

While the immune system is fortified is a person has sex once or twice a week thanks to the body producing higher levels of immunoglobulin A – a substance that helps fight colds and flu.

However, there are downsides to sex.

Unbridled sexual activity – particularly with a new partner without protection comes with risks – particularly sexually transmitted diseases.

Since Viraga was released 10 years ago the rate of STIs I nthe over 45s group has doubled.

"This is a generation that didn't have the open sex education that young people get today," says Professor Janice Rymer, professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at St Thomas' Hospital London.

"Today's 50-somethings probably know less about sexual protection than many of today's teenagers."