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Finding Answers about Kidney Stones Treatments and Preventive Measures

Below are a number of other commonly asked questions about kidney stones. These focus on kidney stone treatments as well as preventive measures that stop reoccurrence.
Can a kidney stone pass out of the body on its own without treatment? If so, how long does this usually take?

Most small stones do not require any intensive treatment for them to be expelled from the body. This process usually takes anywhere from a couple of hours to a few days, depending on the type of stone as well as how much fluids you take or how you change your diet. Large stones must be dissolved or broken up through the use of a medical procedure or medicine before they can be passed.

I have a kidney stone, which one is the best of all kidney stones treatments?

There is no one single best treatment to get rid of kidney stones. The right treatment depends on the type, size, composition and quantity. Every solution comes with benefits and complications. Not every treatment works the same way for every person either. In order to be successful, however, the treatment must be able to effectively dissolve the stone within the kidneys. A prime example that is helping thousands of people is Uriflow, a revolutionary botanical solution that has been scientifically proven to dissolve kidney stones and eliminate pain.

What treatments are available to get rid of kidney stones?

There is a range of available kidney stones treatments, surgical treatments, dietary guidelines and pharmaceuticals available to get rid of kidney stones and prevent further occurrences. These options include medication therapy, ureteral stent, ureteroscopy, percutaneous lithotripsy or open surgery.

How do I know if I need surgery for my kidney stones?

You may be a candidate for kidney stone surgery if the stone:

* Has not been expelled after a reasonable amount of time and is causing a great amount of pain and discomfort.
* Continues to grow.
* Becomes too large to pass out of the body without intervention.
* Blocks the urine flow.
* Causes ongoing urinary tract infections.
* Damages the kidneys or results in constant bleeding.

What is Lithotripsy? What are the benefits and complications involved?

There are several types of lithotripsy procedures. All of these options are often done on an outpatient basis with only some requiring the use of anesthesia. Recovery time is only a few days. The doctor uses an ultrasound machine to send out numerous high-energy shockwaves which pinpoint and shatter the kidney stones into a fine powder that can be passed out of the body through the urine with no pain or discomfort. The most frequent complications are blood in the urine and temporary cramping pain.

What other medical procedures are available for kidney stones?

Parathyroid surgery is used for kidney stone removal when the stone is either too large or located in an area where lithotripsy cannot effectively destroy it. Ureteroscopy is a fiber optic device used for small stones located in the middle or lower part of the ureter. Considered the most invasive of all procedures, open surgery requires large incisions and manual removal of the stone, leading to weeks of required recovery time.

Do kidney stones come back?

Yes. Without preventive treatment as well as dietary changes and healthier lifestyle, a new stone can develop within a year or two of the first kidney stone. Nearly 50% of all people who have had a stone are likely to get another one over a period of 5-10 years. The percentage rises to 80% likelihood when taken over the period of their lives.

Are there any types of medications that prevent kidney stones?

There are prescription medications that help some patients. These include diuretics, such as hydrochlorothiazide, Allopurinol, penicillamine or tiopronin, which help flush out the excess substances in the urine. Other kinds of medications are also available and may be prescribed by your doctor. Uriflow, made of natural elements, is available over-the-counter and has been scientifically proven to help break up, pass and prevent future kidney stones.

Should I drink a lot of cranberry juice?

The answer is yes and no. For people who have frequent bladder infections, cranberry juice helps increase the volume of urine and the frequency of urination. This helps minimize bacterial growth. However, the answer is a resounding no for people who have already experienced kidney stones because it can encourage new stones to develop. If a person already has a stone in their urinary tract, the acidic nature of cranberry juice will cause further irritation.

What is a kidney stone stent and how is it inserted?

A stent is a hollow flexible tube used by doctors to encourage drainage of fluids after surgeries. Based on the stone size, its location and the severity of the pain or infection, a kidney stone stent may be inserted to drain the area around the stone fragments left behind after procedures like lithotripsy. A cystoscope is inserted into the bladder through the urinary opening. Once the ureter, also known as the drainage tube for the kidney, is found, the stent is pushed into the kidney. The kidney stone stent has to remain inside the kidney until most of the stone fragments have been expelled from the body. This can take anywhere from one to two weeks.